Girlz - Of - Sage

A few avatars [AVATARS] 26th Avril

Goooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning SAGE !!!


A few people asked me to draw some avatars to illustrate their participation on a few forums (YPP's or flag, or crew's forums ... for rum ???)


Here are some creations (aye, I know, not only girlz...)



Cause my WIG (Wife In Game) must have one !



Queen of the flag



Fer a contest she organised... I did not win ....



A nice girl who can also draw avatars fer ya in her Studio



She won this participating auctions on my previous flag



Coz he is a good guy



A very good guy also, I diid fer his birtday



If ya want yers... ask for, if I have time, maybe I will do !

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