CHOCACCRO (September 2nd)
Hello everybody!
Rikko the artist is back, with a new portrait, a new girl from Sage, and I must say one of my favorites !
Not only because she is on my crew, but because she is one of the best girlz ever met on the web ! And she speaks french ! Ya see, a lot of good points fer her !!!
Please welcome CHOCACCRO !
Her name means she is addicted to chocolate, that the reason why I decided to draw her making a chocolate cake!
Unfortunatly she does not like violet that mùuch and prefer to wear red (nobody is perfect!)
Anyway, in order to try to make her understand that violet is close to perfection, let see some good exemples that show that violet rocks :
Don't ya think this cow is perfect ?
This hand made version rocks also !
Or this one! I love also ! And she flies !
OOOps !
Ok, now seat relax and let see this new portrait !
I guess she deserve some special pictures in order to please her... addiction !
Bon appétit !