Girlz - Of - Sage



Hello my friends !!!


 The Gos projeject is now opened fer a month, it is time to makke an assesment !


We have now 30 pretty girlz painted on !!! (I don't count Miss FISH) and the success of the site is gently growing up. I thank ya all fer your help and enthousiasm, please go on that way... I love it !


 Upcoming portraits :

˜ MAGIKA (It's a kind of magic!)

˜ SILENCEDROSE (It's oh so quiet shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)


˜ BONDAGEBABE (well... tied!)

˜ NITROGEN (handle with care... )

˜ WICKEDWENCH (I've said hot previously... then VERY HOT !!!)

˜ WISKEYSWEET (1297 bottle of wiskey on the wall...)

˜ SEAWITCHLET (prepare yerself fer wizardry !)

˜ ALLICE ( wot a nice mädchen !)

˜ MARYSANGRE (The princess of darkness)


And all girlz still welcome to order their portraits !!!


 I'm about to leave fer a week of vacation to a land where Internet is unknown (nope... i'm not going to the moon) but I take my pencils with me, so will come back with new figures to present.



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