Where is the RAT ???
Aye me fellas, week end is coming, and the week end is the best moment to relax and enjoy a lil
Rikko decides to entertain you and give to ya a chance of wining a trinket !!!
All ya have to do is to browse the site and discover where is the rat !
Every pirate have a rat, Rikko's is Rikkorat (did not get far to find the name !!!)
So, find the Rikkorat and leave a comment in this Quizz page to tell me in what page the rat is... The first to answer win a lil surprise.... And maybe a kiss!
HOW TO : to leave a comment ya go on the bottom of this page (commentaires)
"Votre nom ou pseudonyme : " type yer pirate name (obligatory)
the other we don't care...
Then type yer answer in the block
To validate yer answer ya have to type the four caracters in the block at the bottom then click on button "Ajouter mon commentaire"
Easy !