News from the Rikko ! (March 28th )(Starfish affair and such thingz )
A few thingz I have to tell bout :
As introduction, I thanks all the good people who finally recognize the pure talent of Rikko (much better as portraitist than as pirate... it's ok...). Ya have been a lot to connect and to see the portraits. As usual, ya are welcome to ask fer yers, and to present me girlz (houlala!) that would like to be portrayed.
Go on making this site Renowned and I will of course reward ya with new pictures and other silly thingz !
˜ Rodeb (FO on Sanctuary's crew) ˜ Cutiepierate (SO on Jack Aces) ˜ Sanjcress (O Flying Crossbones ) ˜ Rohana (SO... and Mascot! of the Hit' n' Rum) ˜ Wendyrz (SO on Impending Insanity) Just be patient girlz, i'm doing me best...
Details of the thingz I had to pay : ˜ Had to make a portrait to remember why I should never wear a Blue starfish : 15000 poes and 20 dubs ˜ Hairdresser (needed before a portrait!) 2500 poes ˜ I don't had any fish from this : 150 poes ˜ Potion to remove (starfish repellent) : 235 poes and 3 dubs
Total is: 4385 poes and 23 dubs !!!c To be paid as soon as possible Thanks!
Any comments ?