Oh My GOLD !!!
Have ya seen that ???
Have ya seen that ???
Now you have to puzzle to forage !!!!!
(Rikko is crying a lot, please fill the Bilging stations or ths blog may sink !)
The time when ya had slaves cliking madly on the hold while ya were yerself in a hammoc, drinling some rum cocktails is over ...
Wot will I do with all those slaves?
Wot will I do with all those ship I will never have enough puzzle time to fill with juicy fruits !!!
This fruit story brings me back to anotther problem I have (inspite of lack of time cause me RL job eat sravenously my daylights...). I have a a portrait I could soon put online... I just have to color thge hair...
But !!!
As I was not remmebering the exact color of the girl's hair, i reached the game and asked fer the pirate....
This one does not exist anymore....
That's something that really tell me how late I am on my production "So Many portraits... so lil time Wot can I doooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!"
Then soon... a retired pirate online (sounds strange !)
And don't be scared, I don't give up!!!
Wot ??? the secret project ?
Well... polls are not only fer dogz ! Check and answer please !