The boy is back in town...
Yes Yes Yes !!!
After a week of vacation, the Rikko is back !!! (applause !!!)
And ya know wot ???
He spent a week outside with a beer in the left hand and pencils in the right one (after a few beer, seems that the Rikko gat more than one right hand... incredible!!)
Then, a lot of new incoming portraits I'll let ya discover today and tomorrow (gat to scan... to create the article... etc.. etc...)
And ya will not believe...
I still have orders fer portraits to come next :
˜ PASIPHAE (the french beauty)
˜ PEPPERDOO (wot a cute redhead... i'm gona fall in love... once more !!!)
˜ MADMOON (a ray of light in the night !)
˜ SAMMYANNIE (cutie cutie!)
If ya don't have your yet... Wot are ya waiting for ??? Contact me !!!
(sorry bout my disconnection last night that did prevent me from taking more orders!)
They crossed the line !!!
There are some girlz whose portrait is really consulted !!! In fact more than 100 time!!!
They will all gat a new trinket on there page....
(special comment : there are a lot of people staring at my wife's portrait.... dya think I should be jealous ??? Or Proud ??? Tell me please!)
The POLL :
Ok, it's time to close the April Poll and to count the votes.... (Rikko uses his fingers....)
And the winer is ........... JOJOS !!! (and one more trinket fer her...)
As Yarmom is just 2 votes behind... I send her a warm kiss as consolation !!!
Yes... of course a "May Poll" will acome asap !
I guess that's all fer now !!!
And thanks again to you who just make the success of this site !!!